
An Implied in Fact Contract Is Formed by Conduct Quizlet


An implied in fact contract is a type of agreement that is formed without a written or verbal contract. This type of contract is based on the behavior and actions of the parties involved and is often referred to as a “quasi-contract” or “implied contract.”

The concept of an implied in fact contract is rooted in common law, which is derived from the customs and practices of society. In this type of contract, both parties understand that there is an agreement even though it was not expressly stated. Instead, the agreement is based on the behavior of the parties involved.

One way that an implied in fact contract can be formed is through conduct. In other words, the actions of the parties involved can create an agreement even if there was no verbal or written agreement.

For example, if a person performs a service for someone else and that person accepts the service, an implied in fact contract may be formed. Even if the two parties did not specifically discuss payment, the behavior of the parties suggests that there is an agreement in place.

Quizlet is an online platform that allows users to create and study flashcards. The platform is designed to help students prepare for exams and improve their understanding of various subjects. However, Quizlet may also be used by businesses and individuals for a variety of purposes.

In the context of Quizlet, an implied in fact contract may be formed by conduct. For example, if a user creates a study set on Quizlet and shares it with others, they may be creating an implied in fact contract with the other users. Although the two parties did not specifically discuss the terms of the agreement, the behavior of the parties suggests that there is an agreement in place.

The terms of the implied in fact contract may vary depending on the circumstances. In some cases, the agreement may be based on a mutual understanding that the study set will be used for educational purposes only. In other cases, the agreement may involve payment or some other form of consideration.

It is important to note that an implied in fact contract may not always be legally enforceable. In order for an agreement to be legally binding, it must meet certain requirements, such as an offer, acceptance, consideration, and an intention to create legal relations.

In conclusion, an implied in fact contract is a type of agreement that is formed without a written or verbal contract. This type of contract is based on the behavior and actions of the parties involved. In the context of Quizlet, an implied in fact contract may be formed by conduct, such as creating and sharing study sets. While an implied in fact contract may not always be legally enforceable, it is important to understand the implications of this type of agreement.