
Yooralla Star Agreement


The Yooralla Star Agreement: A Comprehensive Guide

The Yooralla Star Agreement is a document that outlines the terms and conditions for employees of Yooralla, a not-for-profit organization that offers disability services to people living in Victoria, Australia. This agreement is essential for all Yooralla employees, as it sets out the expectations, responsibilities, and benefits of working for the organization.

In this article, we`ll take a closer look at the Yooralla Star Agreement and what it means for employees of the organization.

What is the Yooralla Star Agreement?

The Yooralla Star Agreement is a legally binding document that outlines the employment conditions for all Yooralla staff members. Essentially, it is a contract that sets out the terms and conditions of employment, including hours of work, pay rates, leave entitlements, and other important matters.

The agreement is called the “Star Agreement” because it is designed to promote a culture of excellence and professionalism within Yooralla. The star symbolizes the high standards and expectations that the organization has for its employees.

What`s Included in the Yooralla Star Agreement?

The Yooralla Star Agreement covers a wide range of topics that are relevant to employees of the organization. Some of the key areas that are covered by the agreement include:

1. Hours of Work: The agreement sets out the standard hours of work for Yooralla employees, as well as any overtime provisions that may apply.

2. Remuneration: The agreement outlines the pay rates for Yooralla employees, as well as any entitlements to bonuses, allowances, or other types of remuneration.

3. Leave Entitlements: The agreement sets out the different types of leave that Yooralla employees are entitled to, including annual leave, personal leave, and long service leave.

4. Performance Expectations: The agreement outlines the performance expectations for Yooralla employees, including their responsibilities and duties within the organization.

5. Code of Conduct: The agreement also includes a code of conduct that all Yooralla employees must adhere to. This code of conduct outlines the expectations for employee behavior, including professionalism, respect, and confidentiality.

What are the Benefits of the Yooralla Star Agreement?

The Yooralla Star Agreement offers a number of benefits to employees of the organization. Firstly, it provides clarity and transparency around the terms and conditions of employment. This can help to prevent misunderstandings or disputes between employees and their employer.

Additionally, the Yooralla Star Agreement sets out the expectations for employee behavior and performance. This can help to promote a culture of professionalism and excellence within the organization, which can ultimately benefit both employees and clients.

Finally, the Yooralla Star Agreement provides a framework for managing employee grievances or disputes. If an employee has a concern or complaint, they can refer to the agreement to understand their rights and responsibilities, as well as the process for resolving the matter.


The Yooralla Star Agreement is a comprehensive document that sets out the terms and conditions of employment for Yooralla staff members. It provides clarity and transparency around important matters such as hours of work, pay rates, leave entitlements, and performance expectations. By fostering a culture of professionalism and excellence, the Yooralla Star Agreement can ultimately benefit both employees and clients of the organization.